This "AppleScript Shell" program is intended for interactive use in a manner similar to that of the standard Unix shells. You can execute simple one-line AppleScript commands by just typing them and hitting 'return'. The AppleScript command will be executed immediately. But many AppleScript commands are multiple lines (e.g. 'tell' or 'repeat' commands). For these, the "AppleScript Shell" will go into a mode where it stores your commands until you enter the corresponding 'end' command at which point your multiple-line AppleScript command will be executed. The prompt will show you what mode you are in. You can exit this shell at any time by entering the command "-exit". If you want to abort a pending multi-line command without exiting from the shell, use the "-clear" command. There are several special commands (starting with "-") that are interpreted by this shell: -help show help text -exit exit from this shell -abbrev define an abbreviation (to save typing) -unabbrev remove an abbreviation -echo echo the value of an AppleScript expression -read read from the keyboard into an AppleScript variable -source execute commands from a file -batch start "batch mode" -end end "batch mode" -show show the current AppleScript -editor send the current AppleScript to "Script Editor" -rerun rerun the current AppleScript -clear clears the current AppleScript -clearSub remove a specified subroutine -clearScript remove a specified script object -clearVar remove a specified variable or property -clearAll clears all commands (removes all subs, scriptObjs, props, vars) -cd change working directory -pwd show the current working directory -ls list the files in a directory -! execute an arbitrary Unix command -createMan create a 'man' page file for 'ash' The reason for the "-" at the start of each command name is to ensure that these commands don't collide with some AppleScript syntax. Even though some of the above command names include uppercase characters, the command processing is case-insensitive, so for example you could use "-clearall" instead of "-clearAll". The "-help" command displays the text you are reading now. If you supply one of the following topic names as an argument, the "-help" command will show the help text for that topic, otherwise it will show the "intro" section. It is strongly recommended that you read all the help topics to get an understanding of the capabilities of this shell. You can see all of the help text via the command "-help all". Help Topics: ------------ intro abbrev source echo input show subroutines variables comments batch startup options standAlone unix commandLine help man all topics license version bugs Abbreviations: -------------- You can save typing by defining abbreviations via the "-abbrev" command For example: -abbrev strack some track of playlist "Library" defines 'strack' as an abbreviation for 'some track of playlist "Library"' so you could then issue the AppleScript command tell application "iTunes" to play strack in order to play a random song from your iTunes library. You can remove abbreviations via the command "-unabbrev". For example: -unabbrev strack would remove the above abbreviation. You can remind yourself of the definition of the abbreviation named "strack" by entering the command "-abbrev strack". You can see the current list of abbreviations by entering the command "-abbrev" (with nothing following it). Sourcing files with AppleScript commands: ----------------------------------------- You can use the "-source" command to execute the commands that are in a specified file in the same manner as if these commands had been typed interactively at the command prompt. This is another way of saving typing. For example, if you have some commands in the file "~/MyStuff/do_something", you could run those commands via: -source ~/MyStuff/do_something Note in particular that any subroutines defined in that file will persist and be available for use in interactive commands. (See: -help subroutines) If you are using the "-source" command to bring in a whole script for executing, you probably want to go into "batch mode" first. As an alternative to going into batch mode, sourcing the script file, then exiting batch mode, you can supply the script filename as an argument to the "-batch" command (e.g. '-batch ~/MyStuff/do_something'). This will go into batch mode, source the specified file, then exit from batch mode automatically. Results of AppleScript commands: -------------------------------- The result of the AppleScript command that was last executed will appear in the Terminal window without you having to do anything special. But if you want to output the value of an intermediate AppleScript expression, you can use the "-echo" command. For example: tell application "Finder" set theSelection to selection set n to number of items in theSelection -echo "number of items selected: " & n repeat with i from 1 to n set theItem to item i of theSelection as alias -echo "item " & i & " is " & theItem end repeat end tell This is especially useful when debugging an AppleScript. The "-echo" command is implemented by means of an AppleScript subroutine "ashEchoSub" which is included in the AppleScript before it is executed. Examining the current AppleScript: ---------------------------------- The "-show" command will display the text of the current AppleScript (i.e. the text of a partially completed multi-line command or that of the most recently executed command, plus any previously defined subroutines or script objects) This is useful when you want to copy & paste that script elsewhere, or just to review the commands you have entered and the existing subroutines and script objects. The "-editor" command will activate Apple's "Script Editor" and create a new document with the text of the current AppleScript. The "-clear" command will clear the current AppleScript. You can rerun the current AppleScript via the "-rerun" command. Subroutines and Script Objects: ------------------------------- When you define a subroutine (starting with "on" or "to") or a script object (starting with "script"), these pieces of code remain active and are available for use in all subsequent commands. I.e. all subroutines and script objects defined in the current session are present in the AppleScript that is executed. The "-show" command will show you what subroutines and script objects have been defined so far. Since subroutines and script objects don't affect anything unless they are invoked, you can generally just forget about the extraneous ones. But if you want to clean house just to make things neater, there are a few commands provided for this purpose. The "-clearSub" command will remove the subroutine specified as an argument. For example, if you had previously defined a subroutine named "foo", then "-clearSub foo" would remove it. The "-clearScript" command will remove the script object specified as an argument. For example, if you had previously defined a script object named "fred", then "-clearScript fred" would remove it. The "-clearAll" command will remove all previously defined subroutines, script objects, properties, and variables as well as clearing the current AppleScript. Variables & Properties: ----------------------- There is only preliminary support for top-level variables or properties. If you define a top-level variable or property, it and its value will remain active and be available for use in all subsequent commands in the same way that subroutines and script objects persist after definition. The "-clearVar" command will remove the variable or property specified as an argument. It is often useful to use "batch mode" (via the "-batch" command) or to use a 'try' block when you are setting some variables at top level that you want to use in some later statement. Comments: --------- Any line starting with a hash (#) character is treated as a comment and thus is completely ignored by 'ash'. This parallels the commenting convention of the usual Unix shells like 'bash' and 'tcsh'. Of course the standard AppleScript commenting characters are also supported. Running AppleScript commands in "batch mode": --------------------------------------------- In the usual mode of operation, each AppleScript command that you enter is executed immediately. (Multi-line commands (e.g. 'tell' or 'repeat') will execute when the corresponding 'end' is entered.) But sometimes you want to enter a bunch of AppleScript commands and then have them all executed at once. The "-batch" command allows you to do this - it starts "batch mode" operation. AppleScript commands issued in this mode are only executed when you leave batch mode via the "-end" command. Unlike the case in normal one-command-at-a-time operation, subroutines and script objects defined in batch mode do not remain active after the end of batch mode. If you supply a filename argument to the "-batch" command, 'ash' will go into batch mode, source the specified file, then automatically exit from batch mode. Startup: -------- When 'ash' starts up, it executes the commands in the file ~/.ashrc in the same manner as if these commands had been typed interactively at the command prompt. (In other words, it automatically "sources" the ~/.ashrc file.) For example, if you had the following command in the .ashrc file: say "Welcome to \"ash\" (AppleScript Shell)" then you would get a spoken welcome when you started 'ash'. You can use the .ashrc file to store commonly used abbreviations or to set up AppleScript subroutines, etc. You can use the "-norc" command-line option to prevent the ".ashrc" file from being read at startup. Command-line options: --------------------- The following options can be specified on the command-line that is used to invoke 'ash': -nogreeting Disables the greeting message that is given when you start 'ash' -quiet Stops 'ash' from outputing status messages in response to commands. This option also disables the greeting message at startup. -norc Prevents the ~/.ashrc file from being read at startup. (This is only useful when running interactively since stand-alone scripts do not read the ~/.ashrc file at startup.) -oneoff Puts 'ash' into "one off" mode where 'ash' will automatically exit after executing one AppleScript command. The ~/.ashrc file will still be read at startup and AppleScript commands in that file don't count. It is often useful to combine this option with "-quiet" (and possibly with "-norc") to get a quick, clean way to run a single AppleScript command. This option is ignored when running 'ash' non-interactively. -trace Enables "trace mode" for the execution of AppleScripts. In this mode, the execution pauses after each AppleScript statement and the result from the previous statement is displayed. Each statement will pause for one second before continuing with the rest of the AppleScript. Pressing any key will stop it from pausing and so if you want it to run freely, just hold a key down. Trace mode is mostly useful when running scripts non-interactively. -debug Sets the debugLevel to the specified integer. Higher values result in more debugging messages. Values higher than 1 will not likely be useful to anyone other than the developer. (Default is 0) -timing Sets the timingLevel to the specified integer (should be either 0 or 1). If the timingLevel is greater than zero, 'ash' outputs info about the time taken to compile and execute the AppleScript. (Default is 0) -osaMethod Specifies which method should be used to compile and execute the AppleScript. Possible values are: macosasimple, macperl, osascript macosasimple: Uses the Perl module "Mac::OSA::Simple" macperl: Uses the Perl module "Mac::Perl" osascript: Uses the /usr/bin/osascript tool Any of the above command-line options can be abbreviated as long as there is no ambiguity. For example, "-osa" can be used in place of "-osaMethod" since that is the only option that starts with "-osa". If any filenames are specified on the command-line, 'ash' will execute the commands in those files non-interactively. I.e. supplying a file on the command-line is an alternative to inserting a "shebang" line and making the script file executable as described in the "stand-alone scripts" section. Unix Commands: -------------- You can change the working directory via the "-cd" command which works just like the 'cd' command in 'tcsh' and 'bash'. The "-cd" command has a special option "-f" that changes directory to the folder of the frontmost Finder window: "-cd -f". You can find out what the current directory is via the "-pwd" command. You can list the files in the current directory (or other dierctories) via the "-ls" command - it takes all the usual command-line options for 'ls'. And if there are any other Unix commands that you want to run, you can do so via the "-!" escape - any command that you give after that will be passed to a standard Unix shell for execution. For example, the command '-! ls' does the same thing as the "-ls" command. (In fact the "-ls" command is implemented as an abbreviation for "-! ls" and the "-pwd" command is implemented as an abbreviation for "-! pwd".) The "-createMan" command will create a 'man' page file (named "ash.1") in the current directory. You will need to move this file to one of the directories in your MANPATH - e.g. to "/usr/share/man/man1/". This provides an alternative access to this documentation via 'man ash'. Using 'ash' in stand-alone script files: ---------------------------------------- It is also possible to use 'ash' in a non-interactive way, by specifying it as the "shebang" interpreter in a script file. Using this mechanism, you can create stand-alone script files that can be run like usual Unix scripts. To do this, you save your AppleScript commands (and special 'ash' commands) in a file and make the first line of that file be the following: #!/usr/bin/env ash (This assumes that 'ash' is in your shell execution PATH - otherwise you should specify the full path to 'ash' in that "shebang" line.) Then make the script file executable (using 'chmod +x') and you will be able to run that script like any other Unix command. Technical note: the reason why you need to use '/usr/bin/env' in the "shebang" line is that 'ash' is itself a script. When running non-interactively, 'ash' is effectively in "batch mode". All of the AppleScript commands are sent off for execution at one time. Note that the ~/.ashrc file is *not* read when running non-interactively (i.e. when running a stand-alone script) and thus the "-norc" command-line option is redundant in this case. If you want to execute the commands from your ~/.ashrc file when running a stand-alone script, you can use the "-source" command to do so. An alternative way to run script files non-interactively is to specify the filenames on the 'ash' command-line. For example: 'ash file1 file2' would non-interactively execute the commands in the files "file1" and "file2". Getting input from the user: ---------------------------- The usual way to get input from the user in an AppleScript is to put up a dialog of some sort. Since the AppleScripts run by 'ash' are in a different environment than usual, using something like "display dialog" would result in an error message saying "no user interaction allowed". In order to sidestep this problem, 'ash' redirects all such user interaction to the Terminal application by prefacing such commands with 'tell application "Terminal" to'. If you are running 'ash' in some other terminal-type application, you will need to change the Perl variable '$terminalAppName' to reflect the name of your app. An alternative way to get input from the user when running scripts in 'ash' is to use the "-read" command. For example '-read n' will read characters from the keyboard and put them into an AppleScript variable named "n". If you are using this method of getting input from the user, you probably want to use the "-echo" command to display a prompt to tell the user what is expected. Note on command-line editing: ----------------------------- This script uses the Perl module "Term::ReadLine" which supplies facilities for interactive command-lines. The default Perl installation on OS X (as of Tiger) only includes a "stub" version of the facilities used by this module. If you install the module "Term::ReadLine::Perl" (e.g. via CPAN) then you will get command-line editing and command history (via the arrow keys). Known bugs: ----------- * handling of top-level variables and properties is inadequate Copyright & License: -------------------- Copyright 2006 by Cameron Hayne This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This is version 0.60 of 'ash' (AppleScript Shell). It was written by Cameron Hayne ( You can get the latest version from the web site: