sword in the stone   Hayne of Tintagel
Mac OS X  /  Unix FAQ

Unix FAQ (for OS X)

This document is intended as a way of answering some of the questions that are frequently asked (especially by beginners) about Unix on OS X. The answers have been updated for Leopard (OS X version 10.5). Feel free to suggest additions or corrections via the email address given at the bottom of the page.
This FAQ was originally hosted on the MacOSXHints forums site and was sparked by questions asked there and suggestions by forum members.

What are the most basic things I need to know?

The Unix command-line provides an alternative to the GUI provided by OS X.

Most Macintosh users will not need to use the command-line but it provides a more efficient way of accomplishing some tasks (especially repetitive ones). The command-line is also an essential troubleshooting tool in some situations.

You get access to the command-line by launching the application called "Terminal" which is in the "/Applications/Utilities" folder.
When you open a new Terminal window, it will show some text like "Welcome to Darwin!" and then it will show a prompt on the next line.

Command-line Prompt
The "prompt" is some text that is displayed in the Terminal window whenever it is ready for you to type a command. The usual prompt shows the name of your Mac, the name of the current folder, and your username, and finishes with a dollar sign. For example if your Mac is named "red" and your username is "joe", and you are in your home folder (which is designated as "~"), the usual prompt would look like:
red: ~ joe$

Executing commands
To execute a Unix command, you first need to know what command you want and the syntax of this command. The following sections of this FAQ explain how to use the most commonly used commands.
You type in the command after the prompt in a Terminal window, then press Return to execute the command.
Any textual output from the command will be displayed (in the Terminal window) immediately following the line you typed. If something went wrong with the command, it will display a terse error message indicating the nature of the problem.
After the command has finished executing, the prompt will be displayed on a new line, indicating that it is ready for the next command.

Most commands finish quickly, but some are designed to keep running until you stop them manually with Control-C (i.e. by holding down the Control ("ctrl") key and pressing the C key).

Success or failure?
Not all commands have output - many of them just do what they are supposed to do without giving any feedback at all. So if you execute a command and it doesn't produce any output (i.e. you are just returned to the prompt), it means that the command succeeded in doing whatever it was supposed to do.
But if you get an error message, that means that the command didn't work and you will need to try to figure out why.

Be careful
It is important to note that when you execute Unix-level commands, there is no "undo" or other safety net. You need to understand what each command does and be sure that that is what you want to do before you press Return.

When entering commands given by others, it is very important to check that you have got it exactly right - each character and space is important. If someone supplies a command for you to run, it is often best to copy and paste the command rather than typing it in.

Filenames, Folders, Directories, and Filepaths
When you are working in the Terminal, there is the concept of being "in" a certain location in the filesystem. People speak of the "current folder" or "current directory". (The word "directory" in Unix is a synonym for "folder" but usually I will use the word "folder" in this FAQ.)

If you supply the name of a file as part of a command, it is assumed to be in the current folder. If you want to operate on a file that is some other folder, you can either move to that folder (see "How do I navigate to different folders?") or specify the path to that file by prefacing the name of the file with the names of the folders and sub-folders separated by slashes.

The folder at the very top of the drive that contains everything on that drive is called "/". Your home folder is a sub-folder of the "/Users" folder (i.e. the folder "Users" which is in the folder "/"). If your username is "joe", then the full path to your home folder is "/Users/joe". The symbol "~" (above the back-quote on the key near the top left of standard US keyboards) can be used as an alternative way of specifying your home folder.

Thus a file "foo" that is in the "Documents" sub-folder of your home folder can be referred to as "/Users/joe/Documents/foo" or as "~/Documents/foo". If you are "in" your home folder, then you can refer to this file as "Documents/foo" - the lack of an initial slash indicates that this is a "relative path" (i.e. one relative to the current folder).

Spaces and command-line arguments
The almost universal convention for Unix commands is that command-line arguments are separated by spaces. For example, in commands that deal with files, you specify the files to be operated on by listing their names with spaces between them.
This obviously causes difficulties if the name of a file contains a space (e.g. if the file is named "diary 2005"). If the name of a file (or folder) contains a space, you need to enclose the name in quotes when you use it with a command. For example, to read the above file using the command 'more', you would do this:

more "diary 2005"
If you omitted the quotes in the above, the command would be looking for two separate files named "diary" and "2005".

Example commands in this document
In this FAQ, example commands will usually be shown in "code" boxes to set them off from the rest of the text (as shown just above). Usually I will only show the command that you would type but in examples where I show the commands and the output from those commands, I preface the commands with "%" so it is more clear which lines are the commands and which lines are the output. The "%" represents the prompt - it isn't part of the command that you type.

Why do I get "command not found" when I try to run a command?

When you type a command at the shell prompt (in a Terminal window), the shell looks in certain predefined folders/directories for that command. The places it looks are those that are defined by your shell execution PATH variable.
You can see the current contents of your PATH variable by running the following command:
echo $PATH
If you want the shell to be able to find commands/programs that are in other folders/directories, you need to add those locations to your PATH variable. The way to do that is explained below ("How do I set up my shell execution PATH?")

As an alternative, you can always execute commands by specifying the full path to the executable. For example, the executable for 'ls' is in the folder "/bin", so you can run the "ls" command by typing:

Of course, in the case of "ls", you don't need to do that because "/bin" is in your PATH.
But suppose that you put a program named "foo" in a folder "Tools" under your home folder (i.e. in the folder ~/Tools) and you haven't yet got around to adding the Tools folder to your PATH. You could execute the "foo" program by typing its full path:
A special case of this is if the executable is in the current folder (the one you are "in" in your Terminal session - the folder that is output by the 'pwd' command). In the shell, a single dot (.) is an abbreviation for the current folder, so if you preface the name of the command with "./" (without the quotes) that is the same as typing the full path. Thus if the program "foo" is in the current folder, you can execute it by typing:

Other execution contexts
Note that when you run commands in other execution contexts (outside of the Terminal - e.g. from AppleScript's 'do shell script' or from 'cron' or 'launchd' jobs), the PATH variable may be different from what you have set up for the Terminal. In general you should use full paths for all commands and files referred to in scripts - then the PATH variable will not affect them.
The Perl script 'showLaunchdEnviron' will show you the environment (variables, etc) that will be present for 'launchd' scripts.

How do I set up my shell execution PATH?

The answer depends on which shell you are using.
The usual shells used in OS X are "bash" and "tcsh".
See "How can I tell what shell I am running?" if you don't know which shell you are using.
(And if you don't know why you should care about the PATH variable, see the previous section of this FAQ.)
It is possible to change the PATH for the current session via interactive commands, but what you almost always want is to set it up for all future sessions. To do this, you need to add commands to one of the shell startup files Note that these startup files do not exist by default - see the section on startup files.

Setting PATH in the bash shell
To set up your PATH in bash, you edit the file ~/.profile (using any text editor that can save in plain text - e.g. 'pico') and add a line like the following:

export PATH="/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin"
The above would set the following folders/directories to be in your PATH:
Note: a "directory" is the usual Unix term for what is called a "folder" in OS X. From here onwards, I will usually just use the term "folder".

This is the default PATH that is already set up for you in the file /etc/profile (which supplies system-wide defaults and which you should not usually be editing). If you want other folders to be in your PATH, you would add them to the colon (:) separated list in the above line.

Note: If you have Fink (http://fink.sourceforge.net/) installed, then your ~/.profile will already have a line in it like the following:

. /sw/bin/init.sh
The above line does the setup for use of Fink-installed binaries, including adding the Fink folders and "/usr/bin/X11" to your PATH. This means that the Fink-supplied programs and X11 programs will already be in your PATH. That "init.sh" script also makes available to you some useful functions: 'prepend_path' & 'append_path' that can be used to add individual folders to the beginning or end of your PATH.
# Note: the prepend_path & append_path functions come from Fink's init.sh # add my Scripts folder to the start of the PATH prepend_path PATH /Users/fred/Scripts # add /usr/local/bin to the end of the PATH append_path PATH /usr/local/bin

Setting PATH in the tcsh shell
To set up your PATH in tcsh, you edit the file ~/.login (using any text editor that can save in plain text - e.g. 'pico') and add a line like the following:

setenv PATH "/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin"
The above would set the following folders/directories to be in your PATH:

This is the default PATH that is already set up for you in the file /etc/csh.login (which supplies system-wide defaults and which you should not usually be editing). If you want other folders to be in your PATH, you would add them to the colon (:) separated list in the above line.

Putting the current directory/folder in your PATH
Note that the current directory/folder (usually designated as ".") is not in your PATH by default. That means that an executable that is in the current directory will not be found. (That is why you often see people executing commands like './foo' as discussed above.)

To add the current directory to your PATH you would add a dot (.) to the colon-separated list in the above line that sets the PATH variable.
Note, however, that it is usually considered a small security risk to do this since a malicious person could put an executable in some directory and name it the same as some standard executable (e.g. 'ls') and then you would end up executing their version of 'ls' instead of the standard one.

How can I tell what shell I am running?

In Panther (OS X 10.3) and later, the default shell for new accounts is bash (/bin/bash), while in Jaguar (OS X 10.2) and earlier, it was tcsh (/bin/tcsh).
If you carried a user account forward from an earlier version of OS X, your default shell is likely the same as it was when the account was created.

The default shell referred to above is the shell that will run when you start a new Terminal window.
You can check what shell has been assigned to your user account by running the following command:

dscl . -read /Users/$USER UserShell
(In Tiger (OS X 10.4), the command corresponding to the above is: 'nidump passwd / | grep $USER'.)

or by running the following command:

finger $USER
But it is also possible to override the default shell that was assigned to your account by specifying a shell in Terminal preferences.

And, of course, you can always start sub-shells by typing the name of the shell you want to start. E.g. if you type the command:

then you will be in a sub-shell that is running tcsh, even if your default shell is bash. (To get out of the sub-shell, you type 'exit')

So how can you determine what type of shell you are currently running?
One way is with the command:

echo $0
That works for all the shells I have tried, but it isn't guaranteed to work. (It depends on the shell being programmed to put its own name in the variable $0)

Note that the tcsh shell sets the variable $shell to contain "tcsh" but $shell isn't set to anything by the bash shell. And the variable $SHELL (uppercase) is set to the default shell's path (e.g. "/bin/bash") so these aren't reliable methods of determining what shell you are running.

What is the difference between a "login" shell and a "non-login" shell?

When you start a new Terminal window, the shell that is started is a "login shell". (It is called this because historically, this the shell that is started when a user logged in to a text-only Unix machine.)

When you start a sub-shell (by typing a shell's name at the command-prompt), you get a "non-login shell".

When you open a new 'xterm' window (under Apple's X11), the shell that you get is a "non-login shell". This is a key difference between Terminal and xterm and (as explained below) affects what startup files are read.

Another difference between shells is "interactive" versus "non-interactive". An "interactive" shell is the type that you interact with in a Terminal window. But when you run a shell script, a new shell is started for the purpose of that script, and that new shell is a "non-interactive" shell (since the user is not interacting with it via the command-prompt). A distinction is made between these two types of shells since some configuration settings are undesirable for non-interactive shells.

See below for the differences in startup sequences between "login" and "non-login" shells.

For more details on these terms, read the 'man' page for the shell you are using. (e.g. 'man bash' or 'man tcsh')

What startup files are read by the shell? (shell configuration)

You can customize the behaviour of the shells you use by editing the "startup files" that are read when a shell starts up. These files are often called "dot files" since their names usually start with a dot (.)
Note that the per-user "dot files" are looked for in your home folder (designated by ~) and that they don't usually exist by default - you have to create them by using a text editor (e.g. 'pico'). Note also that since their names start with a dot, these files are not shown when you do 'ls' - you need to use the "-a" option: 'ls -a' to see all files.
(To list only those files whose names start with a dot, use the command 'ls -ld .*')

The following settings are often put in shell startup files:
- shell execution PATH (determines where the shell will look for executables)
- MANPATH (determines where the 'man' program will look for man pages)
- shell aliases and functions (used to save you typing)
- shell prompts
- other environment variables

Which startup files are read depends on which shell you are using (e.g. bash or tcsh) and whether it is a "login shell" or a "non-login shell". Note however, that sub-shells inherit the environment variables of the parent shell. The following is a summary of the usual startup files read by "interactive" shells. See the relevant 'man' page for full details (e.g. 'man bash' or 'man tcsh').

Note: for debugging purposes, I recommend inserting an 'echo' command in each of the below named startup files so you can see when they get executed and in what order.
E.g. "echo now executing ~/.profile"
Note also that it isn't recommended to edit the system supplied startup files (the ones in the "/etc" folder) since these will affect all users and thus you won't be able to use the usual troubleshooting technique of logging in as a different user if you make a mistake in editing one of those files.

Bash Startup Files
When a "login shell" starts up, it reads the file "/etc/profile" and then "~/.bash_profile" or "~/.bash_login" or "~/.profile" (whichever one exists - it only reads one of these, checking for them in the order mentioned).

When a "non-login shell" starts up, it reads the file "/etc/bashrc" and then the file "~/.bashrc".

Note that when bash is invoked with the name "sh", it tries to mimic the startup sequence of the Bourne shell ("sh"). In particular, a non-login shell invoked as "sh" does not read any dot files by default. See the bash man page for details.

Tcsh Startup Files
When a "login shell" starts up, it reads the files "/etc/csh.cshrc" and "/etc/csh.login" (in that order) and then "~/.tcshrc" or "~/.cshrc" (whichever one exists - it only reads one of these, checking for them in the order mentioned) and then ~/.login.

When a "non-login shell" starts up, it reads the file "/etc/csh.cshrc" and then "~/.tcshrc" or "~/.cshrc" (whichever one exists - it only reads one of these).

An Illustration
The following sequence shows the startup of several shells (non-login and login) as an illustration of what has been described above. (The 'head' command shows the first few lines of a file - see 'man head' for details.)

% head -1 ~/.profile echo "*** now executing .profile" % head -1 ~/.bashrc echo "*** now executing .bashrc" % head -1 ~/.tcshrc echo "*** now executing .tcshrc" % head -1 ~/.login echo "*** now executing .login" % head -1 ~/.logout echo "*** now executing .logout" % /bin/bash *** now executing .bashrc % exit exit % /bin/sh % exit exit % /bin/bash -login *** now executing .profile % exit logout % /bin/sh -login *** now executing .profile % exit logout % /bin/tcsh *** now executing .tcshrc % exit exit % /bin/tcsh -l *** now executing .tcshrc *** now executing .login % exit logout *** now executing .logout

Startup files for shell scripts
There are slightly different rules about which startup files get executed for non-interactive shells (as used in shell scripts) - see the bash man page for details.
But if you are writing a shell script, you really shouldn't rely on any startup files at all
- you should make the shell script set up whatever environment it needs on its own.
In particular, you should use full paths to all executables and other files referred to by the shell script, so the PATH is not relevant.

What's the deal with permissions? How do I change them?

Each file or folder is considered to be owned by one user and one group (usually the main group to which that user belongs). There are a set of permissions associated with each file or folder that determines what actions on that file or folder are allowed for a particular user.

You can see the ownership and permissions for a file or folder by using the 'ls' command with the "-l" option - i.e. with the command 'ls -l'.
(Since it is sometimes difficult to distinguish lowercase L's from I's and 1's, I note that phonetically this command is "ell ess minus ell".)
For example, if "foo" is a file in the current folder:

ls -l foo
might give the results:
-rw-r--r-- 1 fred staff 0 Jun 17 23:30 foo
This shows that the file "foo" is owned by user "fred" and group "staff".
The permissions are shown by the sequence of ten characters at the start of that line: "-rw-r--r--"
The first character is "-" for a file and "d" for a folder (d = directory, which is what folders are usually called in Unix).
The next three characters ("rw-") indicate the permissions for the owner of the file ("fred").
The next three characters ("r--") indicate the permissions for a user who is not the owner of the file but who is in the group ("staff") that owns the file.
The last three characters ("r--") indicate the permissions for a user who is not the owner of the file and who is not in the group that owns the file - i.e. for anyone else (often called "other" or "world").

These three characters indicate the "read", "write" and "execute" permissions that apply to the relevant user.
An "r" indicates that the file is readable, while lack of read permission is indicated by a "-".

A "w" indicates that the file is writable, while lack of write permission is indicated by a "-". It is necessary to have write permission on a folder in order to be able to add files to that folder or to remove files from that folder. Note that you can remove a read-only file from a folder if you have write permission for that folder.

An "x" indicates that the file is executable, while lack of execute permission is indicated by a "-". Only program files (e.g. applications and scripts) are normally executable - document files are not. But for folders, execute permission is required in order to be able to traverse the folder or to be able to 'cd' to the folder - this is usually referred to as "search" permission.
This means that you almost always want folders to have execute permission if they have read permission.

Note in particular that if you want someone to have access to a file in a particular folder, that user must have "search" permission (the "x") on all of the folders along the path from the top of the drive down to the folder where the file is. And then the file itself must have "read" permission for that user. And if you want someone to be able to see what files are in a particular folder, that folder must have "read" permission for that user.

Note that to see the permissions of a folder, you need to use the "-d" option to 'ls' as well as the "-l" option. For example:

ls -ld myFolder
Using just 'ls -l' on a folder will show you the info on the files in that folder but not the info on that folder itself.

Changing ownership
To change the ownership of a file or folder, you use the command 'chown'. This command needs to be executed with 'root' privileges - so you need to preface it with 'sudo' and be prepared to supply your password. (Only admin users can use 'sudo'.) For example, to change the file "foo" to be owned by the user "mary" and the group "dept42", you would use the command:

sudo chown mary:dept42 foo
A similar command would work to change the ownership of a folder. But often you want to change the ownership of a folder and all the contents of that folder. To do this, you use the "-R" option to 'chown'. For example:
sudo chown -R mary:dept42 myFolder

Changing permissions
To change the permissions on a file or folder, you use the command 'chmod'. There are many different ways of using this command (for details, see 'man chmod') but the easiest way is to use the "symbolic modes" where you specify which section of permissions (owner, group, other) you want to change, then one of "+", "-" or "=" (for adding, removing, or setting permissions), and then the type of permissions you want to modify.
You use 'u' to indicate that the change applies to the owner section of the permissions, 'g' to indicate that it applies to the group section, and 'o' to indicate that it applies to the "other" section.

For example, to change the permissions on the file "foo" so that users in the group that owns the file will have write permission:

chmod g+w foo
Of course, if the file "foo" isn't owned by you, you will need to preface the command with 'sudo' and supply your password:
sudo chmod g+w foo
If you want to make the file "foo" executable (e.g. because it is a script) for the owner of the file and for users in the group that owns the file:
chmod ug+x foo
If you wanted that file to be writable by the owner and the group:
chmod ug+w foo
If you wanted that file to be readable, writable and executable by the owner and the group:
chmod ug+rwx foo
If you wanted the file "foo" to be readable by all (owner, group, and "other"):
chmod ugo+r foo
If you wanted to remove the read and write permissions for group and "other":
chmod go-rw foo
You can use the "=" operation to set the permissions to exactly what you want them to be - without regard to what the permissions are currently. For example, to set the file "foo" to be readable and writable by the owner, but only readable by group and "other":
chmod u=rw,go=r foo
If you wanted that file to be readable, writable, and executable by the owner, readable and executable by the group, but only readable by "other":
chmod u=rwx,g=rx,o=r foo
Similar commands will work to change the permissions of a folder. But often you want to change the permissions of a folder and all the contents of that folder. To do this, you use the "-R" option to 'chmod'. For example to change the folder "myFolder" and all of the contents of that folder to be writable by the owner and group:
sudo chmod -R ug+w myFolder
The special symbolic mode "X" (uppercase) is often useful when using the "-R" option to ensure that a folder and all of its sub-folders have the usual execute permission. You want the folders to have execute permission, but you don't want the files in those folders to become executable (since execute permission is not desirable for files unless they are applications or scripts). For example:
chmod -R ugo+X myFolder

Numerical values for permissions
It is also possible to set the permissions using numerical values. This is sometimes more concise than using the above "symbolic modes".
Read permission is assigned a numerical value of 4
Write permission is assigned a numerical value of 2
Execute permission is assigned a numerical value of 1
The total of these values is the numerical permission value.
For example, a permission value of 4 indicates only read permission, a permission value of 6 indicates both read and write permission, and a permission value of 7 indicates read, write, and execute permission. A permission value of 5 indicates read and execute permission (but no write permission).

The above applies to each section of the permissions (owner, group, and "other"). Thus a permissions value of 644 indicates that the owner has both read and write permissions, while group and "other" have only read permission. This is a typical value for files.
A permissions value of 755 indicates that the owner has read, write and execute permissions, while group and "other" have read and execute permissions but no write permission. This is a typical value for folders.

The following two commands are equivalent. Doing either of them would change the permission of the file "foo" to be readable, writable, and executable by the owner, readable and executable by the group, but only readable by "other":

chmod u=rwx,g=rx,o=r foo chmod 754 foo

Default permissions determined by "umask"
A newly created file or folder has permissions determined by the "umask" value of the user who created the file or folder. You can see the current value of your "umask" by executing the command of the same name:

The "umask" value indicates the permissions (in numerical form) that will be removed from the usual permissions for a file or folder. The usual value for "umask" is "022".
This value means that nothing (0) will be removed from the permissions for the owner - thus newly created files will be readable and writable by the owner, but that write permission (2) will be removed from the permissions for the group and other - thus newly created files will be readable (but not writable) by group and other. You can think of this as subtraction of the umask values from the numerical starting permissions "666" for files and "777" for folders - hence with the default umask value "022", newly created files have permissions "644", while newly created folders have permissions "755".

If you want a different "umask" value, you can use the 'umask' command in your shell startup file. But note that GUI apps (e.g. Finder) will continue to use the default "umask" value - to change that, see this article on the MacOSXHints site.

Special cases
In addition to the standard permissions described above, there are several special "flags" that can be set on a file or folder. You can see the state of these special flags by using the command 'ls -lO' on the file (or 'ls -lOd' on the folder)
In Tiger (OS X 10.4), these commands are: 'ls -lo' and 'ls -lod'.
You can change the flags with the 'chflags' command.
See this article on the MacOSXHints site for details.

Access control lists
Tiger (OS X 10.4) introduced "access control lists" (ACL's) - these provide an additional mechanism that allows fine-grained control over which users can do certain operations with files & folders. They are used for some system and user folders in Leopard (OS X 10.5). See this ArsTechnica article and this MacOSXHints article for more details on ACLs but I'll just note that to see the ACL associated with a file, you use the command 'ls -le'. Note also the 3rd-party utility "Sandbox" that deals with ACLs.

For full details on ownership and permissions, read the man pages:
'man ls', 'man 'chown', 'man chmod', 'man chflags'

How do I gain "root" privileges? Do I need to enable the "root" user?

Sometimes you need to run a command with 'root' privileges. The 'root' user is a user account that is all powerful - it has complete control over everything on the machine and thus it is sometimes called the "superuser".

Logging in as the 'root' user is disabled by default in OS X (and it is best to leave it that way - see below) but OS X supplies the 'sudo' command that allows you to gain 'root' privileges temporarily if your account is an "admin" account.
(The first account created on an OS X system is by default an "admin" account. You can give administrator status to other user accounts via the Accounts preference panel - doing this makes that user be a member of the 'admin' group.)

To run a command with 'root' privileges, you preface the command with 'sudo'. You will be asked to supply your password (the password you normally supply when you log into your account). Note that the characters of your password are not displayed on the screen as you type them - this is a security measure. If this is the first time you have used the 'sudo' command, you will also get a small warning lecture about being careful and using it responsibly.

For example, suppose you want to remove a file named "foo" from a folder whose permissions would normally prevent you from deleting files. If you run the following command:

sudo rm foo
then the file "foo" will get removed (after you supply your password) in spite of the permissions.

Note that you need to be extra careful when using the 'sudo' command since when you run commands as 'root', the system will hardly ever say "No" even if what you are doing will destroy the system.

Subsequent uses of 'sudo' will not ask for your password if it has been less than 5 minutes since the last use of 'sudo'. This avoids the annoyance of being continually asked for your password when you run a sequence of commands that need root privileges.

If you are going to need root privileges for an extended period of time, you can start a new shell as 'root' via the command 'sudo -s'. If you do this, make sure you remember that this shell is running as root and exit from it when you are finished. It might be a good idea to change the Terminal colours so that you have a visual reminder of the special status of this shell.

There is no need to enable the 'root' user for login. Everything that you might need 'root' for can be done via the 'sudo' command. Some people enable 'root' in order to be able to login as 'root' and thus run GUI apps with root privileges - but this is a bad idea since you should minimize the amount of code that is running as root for security reasons. If you really need to run a GUI app as root, you can launch just that one app as root by using the 3rd-party utility " Pseudo".
Note also that an advantage to using 'sudo' (instead of enabling the 'root' user) is that everything is logged so you have a record of what you did.

See also: xkcd comic about 'sudo'

How do I navigate to different folders?

When you open a new Terminal window, you will be "in" your home folder.
The "current directory" or "current folder" is the folder that you currently are "in". (The word "directory" is the Unix word for what is called a "folder" in OS X. I will usually use the word "folder" from this point on.)

You can find out the current folder by running the following command:

(pwd = print working directory)
Note also that the usual command-prompt indicates the current folder.

To change to a different folder, you use the 'cd' command (cd = change directory). E.g. if you have a sub-folder of your home folder named "Tools", and you are currently in your home folder, you could change to the "Tools" folder with the command:

cd Tools
There are two special folders that are present everywhere and they have special names: "." and ".." (a single dot, and two dots).
The "." folder represents the current folder, while the ".." folder represents the parent folder (the folder that contains the current folder).
You will see these folders listed if you use the "-a" option to 'ls' but otherwise they don't show up in the output from 'ls' since their names start with a dot.

Thus if you want to change to the parent folder of wherever you are, you can do that with the command:

cd ..
If you want to change to the grand-parent folder (the parent of the parent), you can do that with the command:
cd ../..
(These special folder names can also be used with other commands, for example you could list the contents of the parent folder with 'ls ..')

The top most folder on the disk is named "/". It is sometimes referred to as the "root" of the disk - but note that this has nothing to do with the 'root' user. To change to the folder at the top of the disk, you would do:

cd /
To get back to your home folder at any time, you could do:
cd ~
since "~" is an abbreviation for your home folder. But it turns out that if you omit the name of the folder that you want to change to, you will get to your home folder. Thus the same thing is accomplished by the simpler command:
If you want to go to a certain folder that you know the path for, you can go there all in one step by typing the full path after the 'cd'. For example, to go to the "/etc/httpd/users" folder, you could do:
cd /etc/httpd/users
or you could do it step by step:
cd / cd etc cd httpd cd users
One thing to note when typing in long paths is that you can press the Tab key and it will auto-complete as much of the path as is unique. For example, if you type in
cd /etc/ht
and then press the Tab key (before pressing Return), it will expand what you have typed to:
cd /etc/httpd/
since that is the only folder under "/etc" that starts with "ht". This can save you a lot of typing (and avoid typos).

And if you have a Finder window open to the folder you want to go to in the Terminal, you can type the 'cd ' part of the command and then drag the folder from the Finder window into the Terminal and it will supply the path to that folder when you drop it. This is especially useful if you use it in combination with Exposé since then the Terminal window doesn't have to be visible when you are in Finder.

And if you find yourself going back to a certain folder repeatedly, see this
MacOSXHints article for a method that allows you to define "nicknames" for commonly used folders and then to go to those folders by using the nicknames instead of the folder paths. Note that the original version of that article supplies aliases suitable for the tcsh shell, but I supply aliases and functions for the bash shell in a comment to the article.

Accessing other disks
The folder "/" is the top level folder of the disk drive that you booted from (i.e. where the copy of OS X that you are currently using resides) - no matter what it is called in Finder.
If you have other disk drives (external disks or network-mounted disks or mounted disk image (DMG) files), they will be accessible in Terminal via the "/Volumes" folder.
E.g. if you have an external drive named "Fred", its files will be under the folder "/Volumes/Fred".
Note that (as usual for all paths) if there is a space (or other non-letter characters) in the name of your external drive, you will need to put the path inside double quotes when using it with Unix commands.
E.g. if your external drive is named "Red Disk", you can navigate to it via the command:
cd "/Volumes/Red Disk"
For consistency, the disk you booted from is also accessible under "/Volumes".

Note that if you start seeing extra numbers appended to the names of your external disks (e.g. "Fred-1"), that is a sign that you hadn't properly unmounted the disk at some time in the past and so the old folder "/Volumes/Fred" is still there. If this happens, unmount and then disconnect all disks and then there should be nothing under /Volumes except your internal disk, so any other folders there are detritus (from improper unmounting) and can be deleted.

What integration is there between Finder and Terminal?

Opening a Finder window from Terminal
To open a Finder window from Terminal, you can use the 'open' command - for example:
open .
would open a new Finder window showing the current folder (recall that "." represents the current folder). You can supply any folder path to the 'open' command - for example:
open /usr
would open a new Finder window showing the "/usr" folder.

Opening a Terminal window from Finder
To open a Terminal window from Finder and set the current folder in that new Terminal window to the folder shown in Finder, use Marc Liyanage's "OpenTerminalHere" AppleScript which you can install on your Finder toolbar.

How do I edit text files (e.g. configuration files)?

Unix text files (often called "plain text" files, or "ASCII" files) can be edited with any text editor that can save files in "plain text" format (i.e. without any special formatting or fonts, etc).

Another requirement for a text editor for Unix text files is that it save files using the standard Unix convention for end-of-line characters. (See "What is an end-of-line character and why should I care?")

There are several text editors available to you on OS X. They fall into two categories: those with a GUI, and those that run within a Terminal window. The following are only partial lists of those available - there are many more, and each person tends to have his/her favourite.

Text Editors with GUI

- comes with OS X (under /Applications)
- can edit "rich text" documents as well (even MS Word documents in the latest versions) - but this is to be considered a deficit in the context of editing Unix text files since you always have to be careful to make sure it saves as "plain text". I recommend avoiding TextEdit when editing Unix text files for this reason.

- the successor to "BBedit Lite" and the baby brother of "BBEdit"
- many high-end features
- can edit files with "root" privileges
- can edit "hidden" files and files on FTP servers
- completely free (as in beer)

- supports collaborative editing (uses Apple's "Bonjour")
- many high-end features
- can edit files with "root" privileges
- older version is free for non-commercial use

Text Editors that run within a terminal

pico (or nano)
- comes with OS X (/usr/bin/pico or /usr/bin/nano)
- relatively easy to use since it provides command reminders at the bottom
- is available even in single-user mode
- many tutorials available

- comes with OS X (/usr/bin/vi)
- difficult to learn, but powerful once you have learned it
- is available even in single-user mode
- much better than 'emacs'
- many tutorials available

- comes with OS X (/usr/bin/emacs)
- difficult to learn, but powerful once you have learned it
- is available even in single-user mode ( ? I have to check this)
- much better than 'vi'
- many tutorials available

The text editors with a GUI are generally considered easier to use, but it is important to know at least the basics of one of the non-GUI editors since these are all that will be available when you are in a non-graphical environment (e.g. remotely logged in via ssh, or in single-user mode when troubleshooting).

Basics of editing with 'pico' (or 'nano')
I'll explain the basics of editing with 'pico' since that is the most appropriate non-GUI editor for beginners.
To start editing a file "foo" you type the command:

pico foo
You will then see some command reminders at the bottom of your Terminal window. The caret (^) in these command reminders indicates the Control key. You hold down the Control key and then press the key that is indicated in the reminder.
Use the arrow keys to navigate within the existing text. Enter the text you want to add. Use the delete key to delete characters as needed. When you are ready to save, hold down the Control key and press the O key to save the modified file - it will show you the filename at the bottom - and then press Return. If you want to exit without saving, hold down the Control key and press the X key.

Note: Even if you used 'pico' as the command to start up this editor, you may notice that it says "nano" at the top. This is because 'pico' has been replaced by 'nano' in recent versions of OS X. (The file /usr/bin/pico is actually a symbolic link to /usr/bin/nano.) Don't worry about this - the differences between 'pico' and 'nano' are not important for basic editing.

Editing files that are owned by 'root'
It is often the case that you need to edit a configuration file that is owned by 'root', or which you don't have permission to edit for some other reason.
For example, the Apache configuration file "/etc/httpd/httpd.conf" is owned by 'root' and has write permission only for owner.
To edit such files with a non-GUI editor (e.g. 'pico'), all you have to do is preface the command with 'sudo', e.g.:

sudo pico foo
You will be prompted for your password (you need to be an admin user) before the editor starts up, but then you will be editing the file with the privileges of 'root' so there will be no problems of permissions.

Several of the GUI editors can also provide this functionality. E.g. in TextWrangler, if you click on the little badge at top-left that indicates that the file is read-only, you will be asked to authenticate and then you will be able to edit the file and save.

Making a backup copy
It is usually a good idea to make a backup copy of any configuration file that you are editing. That way, if you find that you have made a mistake, you can revert to the backup copy and no harm done.
You can make a backup copy using the 'cp' command in the shell, for example:

cp foo foo.bak
where the backup copy is named "foo.bak". You can name the backup copy anything you want. Often it is a good idea to name it with todays date so you can have several backup copies and keep them straight. E.g.:
cp foo foo.june10
To revert to a backup copy, you would use the 'cp' command again, but in the reverse direction, for example:
cp foo.june10 foo
Of course you can also save backup copies from the text editor you are using, but often you will forget to do this before you start making changes, so I think it is better to use the 'cp' command as explained above.

What is an end-of-line character and why should I care?

When you look at a text file, you see it as a series of lines.
When you edit a text file, you enter a line break by pressing the Return key.
This inserts a special character into the text file at that point. This special character is known as an "end-of-line" character or a "line-break" character. This is sometimes abbreviated as "EOL". Programs that read text files (e.g. text editors) look for these characters and display the text appropriately.
(If you are curious, you can view the end-of-line characters in a text file by looking at it with a program that shows the raw contents of the file - e.g. with the command 'hexdump -C')

However, there are three different conventions that are commonly used for indicating ends of lines in text files. They are usually known as the "Unix", the "Macintosh", and the "Windows" end-of-line characters.

The "Unix" end-of-line character is often known as "line feed" or "newline" and indicated as "\n". It is the character whose ASCII code is 10 in decimal (0x0a in hexadecimal).

The "Macintosh" end-of-line character is often known as "carriage return" and indicated as "\r". It is the character whose ASCII code is 13 in decimal (0x0d in hexadecimal).
Since Macintosh computers now use OS X, which is a version of Unix, it is more precise to refer to this as the "traditional Macintosh" end-of-line character.

The "Windows" end-of-line indicator is actually two characters, not one. It is often referred to as "carriage return, line feed" and indicated as "\r\n". It is thus the sequence of two characters whose ASCII codes are 13 and 10 in decimal (0x0d and 0x0a in hexadecimal). This is also known as the "DOS" end-of-line indicator.

The existence of these three different conventions for indicating the ends of lines in text files causes difficulties when a text file is created on a system using one convention and then read on a system using a different convention. If you look at a file using a line-ending convention that is different than what is expected on the system you are on, you may see extra characters (e.g. ^M) or you may see all the lines strung together without line breaks. However, most good text editors are capable of detecting and correcting for foreign line-endings, so if you are using a good text editor, you might not notice this issue at all.
And if you transfer a file from one system to another using FTP in "ascii" mode, the FTP software will automatically change the line-endings to whatever is native on your system.

However, you need to be aware that almost all Unix configuration files and script files must use the standard "Unix" end-of-line characters. If, as mentioned above, your editor is nice to you and hides the fact that a file is using foreign line-endings, you may be surprised to find that the config file or script will simply not work on a Unix system (e.g. OS X).

This means that it is important to configure your editor to always save files using "Unix" line-endings. (This is usually one of the preference items for GUI editors. For the command-line editors, it is the default behaviour, so you don't need to worry about it.)

If you receive a file from some other system that has foreign line-endings, you can convert it to use "Unix" line-endings by running this Perl command:

perl -pi~ -e 's/\r\n?/\n/g' name_of_file
where you would substitute the actual name of the file for "name_of_file".
The above command makes a backup copy of the original file with a "~" suffix before editing the original file to change it to use "Unix" line-endings.
The following defines a Bash function (that you could put in your ~/.profile) to do this fixing of the end-of-line characters:
fixlines () { /usr/bin/perl -pi~ -e 's/\r\n?/\n/g' "$@" ; }
You would use it like this:
fixlines name_of_file
One final note: Some of the OS X applications that started life in the OS 9 era are still using the "traditional Macintosh" line-endings in their configuration files. One example is the project files created by "iMovie".

Technical note: an explanation of the above Perl command:
The "-p" option to perl makes it loop over all input lines and print each line
The "-i~" option makes it edit the file in place after making a backup copy of the file with "~" appended to the file name
The "-e" option makes it execute the supplied Perl expression on each line.
The "s/\r\n?/\n/g" expression is a substitution (s = substitution) that makes it substitute anything that matches the regular expression "\r\n?" with "\n" and does this globally (the 'g') so it happens even if the regular expression matches more than once on the same line.
The regular expression "\r\n?" matches a "\r" followed by an optional "\n". I.e. it matches a "\r" by itself or a "\r\n" pair.
The former is what is used in "traditional Macintosh" text files while the latter is what is used in Windows text files.
So the above substitution changes both of these cases to use a single "\n" which is the correct end-of-line character for Unix text files.

How do I create new files and folders?

Creating files
To create a new empty file in the current folder, use the 'touch' command. For example:
touch foo.txt
You can of course supply a folder path to create the file in some other location - assuming you have write permission in the folder specified.

But a more common way to create new files is to use the output redirection facilities to store the results from some other command.

Creating folders
To create a new folder in the current folder, use the 'mkdir' command. For example:

mkdir MyStuff
The "-p" option allows you to create a whole hierarchy of folders in one step - for example:
mkdir -p MyStuff/2009/03/27
would create a folder "MyStuff" in the current folder, then a folder "2009" in the folder ""MyStuff", then a folder "03" in the folder "2009", then a folder "27" in the folder "03".

Ownership and permissions on new files & folders
Newly created files and folders are owned by the user account that created them. They have permissions assigned according to the current "umask" value - see discussion in the section about permissions.

How do I delete files and folders?

To delete a file, you use the 'rm' command ("rm" = remove).
For example, if there is a file named "foo" in the current folder that you want to delete, you would use the following command:
rm foo
Note that the 'rm' command deletes the files immediately - it doesn't just move them to the Trash like deleting files from Finder. There is in general no way to recover a file that has been deleted with 'rm' - however the data is still (for the moment) on the disk and can sometimes be recovered with a 3rd-party data recovery tool. (To ensure that the data cannot be recovered, use the 'srm' command instead of 'rm')

Deleting multiple files
You can remove several files with one command by listing the filenames with spaces between them. (If any of the filenames contain spaces, then you need to enclose those filenames in quotes.) For example, if you want to delete the 3 files named "foo", "bar", and "burning bush" from the current folder:

rm foo bar "burning bush"
To remove multiple files with one command, it is often useful to use wildcards (See "How does wildcarding work?" for details). For example, if there are files "foo", "foo1", "foo2", "foobar", "foo.txt", "foo bar" in the current folder, you could remove them all with the command:
rm foo*
Of course, you need to be extra careful when using wildcards with the 'rm' command since there is no undo if you accidentally remove more than you wanted because the wildcarding matched more files than you expected.
A common mistake is to accidentally type an extra space when doing something like the above. If you ran the command:
rm foo *
it would remove the file "foo" and all of the other files in the current folder (except those whose names start with a dot).

Prompting for confirmation
If you use the "-i" option with the 'rm' command, it will prompt you for confirmation before deleting each file. This can therefore be used as a sort of "safety" when using 'rm' with wildcards. For example:

rm -i foo*
would prompt you before deleting each of the above files in the above example.

Dealing with permissions
If you use 'rm' with a file that is read-only, you will be prompted to confirm the deletion. If you are deleting a bunch of files (e.g. with wildcards), this may be undesirable. To force the deletion of files without asking for confirmation, you can use the "-f" option.

Note that to delete a file from a folder, you only need write permission on the folder - the permissions on the file itself are not relevant. That is why you can override the warning about deleting a read-only file.

If the ownership or permissions are such as to prevent deletion of a file, you can force the deletion by prefacing the 'rm' command with 'sudo'
(See "How do I gain "root" privileges?")

Exceptional cases
If you have difficulty in deleting a file even with the use of 'sudo', it is likely due to some special "flags" having been set on that file. You can see the state of these special flags by using the command 'ls -lO' on the file. (In Tiger (OS X 10.4), you would use 'ls -lo') In some cases it is necessary to change the flags before you can delete the file - you do this with the 'chflags' command.
See this article on the MacOSXHints site for details and links to other articles about deleting locked files.

Deleting a folder
To remove a folder (directory), you use the command 'rmdir'. But you can only remove an empty folder using this command. If there are any files (or sub-folders) in the folder, you need to remove them first. If you are having difficulty with this, don't forget that files/folders whose names start with a dot (.) are not shown when you do 'ls' - you need to use 'ls -a' to see all files in a folder.

If you are sure that you want to delete a folder and all that it contains (files and sub-folders), you can use the "-r" (for "recursive") option to 'rm'. This is often combined with the "-f" option to prevent the confirmation prompts about read-only files. For example:

rm -rf MyStuff
will delete the folder "MyStuff" and all of the enclosed files and sub-folders.
You will want to be extra, extra careful when using this option - especially if you are also using wildcards!

Read 'man rm' and 'man rmdir' for full details.

What are the most commonly used commands?

Here are some short notes on the most commonly used commands. (I explain the origin of the command name in those cases where it isn't obvious.)
Note that there are more details about several of these commands in some of the other sections of this FAQ.
For full details about any of these commands, read the corresponding 'man' page - for example to find out more about the 'ls' command, read 'man ls'.
(By the way, the man pages are split up into sections. You will mostly be interested in section 1 since that describes the commands you can run from the shell. Sections 2 & 3 describe C-functions that are useful when you are writing a program.)

And if you are looking for a command to do something that isn't mentioned here, note that 'man -k some_subject' will show a list of man pages where "some_subject" is mentioned. That might help you find a command to do what you want. Another method of finding useful commands is to look at the "See also" section of related commands.

The 'whatis' command will give you a quick summary of what a given command is for.
See this MacOSXHints article for a way to get a list of all commands in your execution PATH, with a summary of what each command does.

File and folder management
cd ("change directory") - to navigate to a different location in the filesystem
pwd ("print working directory") - show the current location in the filesystem (the "current directory")
ls ("list") - to show details about files and folders
touch - to create an empty file or to change the date on an existing file
mkdir ("make directory") - to create a new folder
chown ("change owner") - to change the owner of a file or folder
chmod ("change mode") - to change the permissions of a file or folder
mv ("move") - to move a file or folder to a different location in the filesystem, or just to rename it
cp ("copy") - to copy a file or folder
ln ("link") - to make a link to a file or folder
rm ("remove") - to delete a file
rmdir ("remove directory") - to remove a folder
find - to search the filesystem for files or folders matching given criteria
mdfind - to search for files or folders using the "Spotlight" meta-data
locate - to see where certain files are located (uses a database that is updated periodically)
du ("disk usage") - to show the amount of disk space used by a file or folder
tar ("tape archive") - to bundle up a bunch of files/folders into one file
zip, gzip - to bundle up a bunch of files/folders into one file and compress it to take less disk space
unzip, gunzip - to uncompress a .zip or .gz file

File content
more - to display the contents of a file page by page (press Return to go down one line, press space to go down one page)
cat ("concatenate") - to display the full contents of a file or to concatenate two or more files into one
head - to display the first part of a file
tail - to display the last part of a file
mdls - display the meta-data for a file
xattr - display the extended attributes for a file
diff - to compare two text files (or, with the "-r" option, two folders)
cmp - to compare two binary files
pico - an editor for displaying and editing text files
grep ("global regular expression print") - to search inside a file for lines matching a given pattern
sed ("stream editor") - to modify the text that is streaming through a pipe
sort - to sort the lines of text files
uniq - to filter out repeated lines of text files
fold - to wrap long lines of text files (useful when printing)
hexdump - to show the contents of a file as hexadecimal numbers
textutil - convert plain text to HTML or RTF (and vice versa)

ps ("process status") - to see detailed info about the processes running
top - to get a summary of the processes running and resource consumption
kill - to terminate a process identified by process-id (or to send other signals)
killall - to terminate a process identified by program name
lsof ("list open files") - show which files (and sockets) are open by which program
fs_usage ("filesystem usage") - show which programs are accessing (reading or writing) the filesystem
dtrace - trace any system activity (processes or file access). Start by reading 'man -k dtrace'

ifconfig ("interface configure") - to display and configure network interface parameters
ping - to send a test packet to another computer (amusing article about the history of this command)
traceroute - to see the route taken by packets across a network
host - to find out the IP address corresponding to a hostname or viceversa
curl - to download contents of a document via a URL
ftp - command-line FTP client
ssh ("secure shell") - remote login to another computer

System Info
hostname - reports the name of your Mac
sw_vers - reports the OS X version that you are using
system_profiler - reports on the hardware and software that is on your Mac (i.e. a command-line version of the "System Profiler" utility)
sysctl -a - reports values of the kernel parameters

Disk management
df - shows info (including the amount of free space) about mounted disks
diskutil - versatile disk management utility (info, formatting, mounting, repairing, etc)

echo - to send something to "standard output" (useful in pipes, etc)
open - to open a file (in the GUI application that is associated with that file type) or a folder (in the Finder)
date - to display the current date and time (in various formats)
sleep - to pause execution for a given number of seconds (useful in scripts)
wc ("word count") - to display the number of characters, words, and lines in a text file
pbcopy ("pasteboard copy") - copy to the clipboard from "standard input"
pbpaste ("pasteboard paste") - paste from the clipboard to "standard output"
xargs - pass arguments to another command (useful in pipes)
defaults - read or write preference settings
id - report info about your user account (numeric user-id, group ids, etc)
sudo ("superuser do") - execute a command with 'root' privileges
su ("switch user") - start a new shell using a different user account
man ("manual") - to display detailed information about a command.

How does wildcarding work? (or why do I see stars?)

Suppose that you wanted to have a command apply to a bunch of files or folders. You could of course type out the names of the files/folders you want the command to apply to, separating each filename from the next with a space. But that is irksome if there are a large number of files/folders. The use of wildcards solves this problem.

For example, if you wanted to copy all of the files in the current folder whose names started with "foo" to some other folder, you could do that with the following command:

cp foo* other_folder
Wildcarding is often referred to as "globbing". The expansion of the wildcards to create a list of filenames is handled by the shell. That means that the details are dependent on which shell you are using. But the basics are the same for most shells:

* ("asterisk" or "star") is a wildcard that matches any string of zero or more characters

? is a wildcard that matches a single character

[xyz] matches any one of the characters within the square brackets

For example, if you wanted to copy the files "foo1", "foo2", "food", "foor", etc - but not the files "foo" or "foobar" or "foo10", you could do it with:

cp foo? other_folder
If you wanted to copy all files with a ".jpg" suffix, you could use:
cp *.jpg other_folder
But there are two exceptions regarding the * and the ? wildcards - they don't match an initial dot (.) and they don't match a slash (/).
The reason for the initial dot exception is that files whose names start with a dot are intended to be hidden and thus it is considered undesirable to include them in wildcarding.
The reason for the slash exception is to allow more control over matching of files in other folders - recall that the slash is used to separate folders/directories in pathnames.

If you wanted to copy all files from the current folder except those whose names start with a dot, you could use:

cp * other_folder
If you wanted to copy all files from the current folder including those whose names start with a dot, you could use:
cp * .* other_folder
Note that there is a space between the "*" and the ".*" in the above command - the shell thus treats this as two separate wildcard expressions to be expanded.

If you wanted to copy all files from the folder "~/MyStuff/Docs" whose names started with "foo" and ended with either "a", "b", or "c" before the suffix ".txt", you could use:

cp ~/MyStuff/Docs/foo*[abc].txt other_folder
If you wanted to copy the same set of files from all sub-folders of the folder "~/MyStuff", you could use:
cp ~/MyStuff/*/foo*[abc].txt other_folder
But note that in this last example, you might have problems due to more than one file of the same name (from different sub-folders) being copied to the destination folder - that would result in the earlier copied file being overwritten by the later one.

The above examples have all used the 'cp' command, but any command that can handle a list of filenames could have served as well.

Preventing wildcard expansion where not wanted
As mentioned above, the wildcard expansion is handled by the shell. That means that the command (e.g. 'cp' in the above example) does not see the wildcards - it receives a list of filenames. (That's good because most commands don't understand wildcards.)
This means that in the relatively unusual case where a command does handle wildcards, you need to take special steps to prevent the shell from expanding the wildcards before they get to the command.
For example, if you are using the 'find' command to find all files/folders under the current folder whose names start with "foo", you would do it with:

find . -name 'foo*'
It wouldn't work if you omitted the single-quotes around foo* since then the shell would do the wildcard expansion.

To get full details about wildcarding in the Bash shell, read 'man bash' and look in the section titled "Pathname Expansion". For the Tcsh shell, read 'man tcsh' and look in the section titled "Filename substitution".

One final note: the meaning of the wildcard characters (e.g. * and ?) is different when used in regular expressions in 'grep' or Perl than it is in shell globbing. It's easy to get confused.

How do I make a command iterate over a bunch of files?

There are several ways of iterating over a bunch of files.
Perhaps the most general way is to use one of the shell looping constructs. For example, in the Bash shell, you can use 'for' to loop over a given set of files. Suppose that you had a script named 'my_script' that took a single filename as a command-line argument.
If you wanted to run that script with all of the files in the current folder in succession, you could use:
for file in *; do my_script "$file" done
Note that we couldn't just use 'my_script *' since that would pass a list of all the files to the script and it is only expecting one file.
Here's another example:
for file in ~/Library/Keychains/*; do hexdump -C "$file" | head -1 done
This does a 'hexdump' on each of the files in ~/Library/Keychains and outputs the first line of the results. Note in the above examples that I have used double-quotes around the $file variable in order to protect against filenames with spaces in them.
Other looping constructs are discussed in the Bash shell tutorials referred to in the last section of this FAQ.

If you wanted to run that script on each of the files in the current folder and all those in sub-folders, and in sub-sub-folders, etc, you could use the 'find' command's "-exec" option like this:

find . -type f -exec my_script {} \;
The "{}" is a placeholder for each file found. The "\;" at the end is mumbo-jumbo that is necessary for technical reasons. For full details, read 'man find'.

If you want to run a command on all of the files found by a 'find', and the command takes a list of files as command-line arguments, you can do that by using the 'xargs' command. For example:

find . -name "*.java" -print0 | xargs -0 wc
The above command finds all files with ".java" suffix under the current folder (.) and sends the list of filenames to the 'wc' command via the 'xargs' command. It uses the "-print0" option to 'find' and the "-0" option to 'xargs' in order to avoid any problems with files with spaces in their names.

It's slightly trickier to use 'xargs' when the command you want to run takes other arguments and the list of files has to come before those other arguments. For example, if you wanted to copy all those ".java" files to a different folder, you'd want to use the 'cp' command. But it has the form:
cp file1 file2 file3 ... destinationFolder
To get 'xargs' to insert the list of files at a specified place in the command line, you use the "-J" option and supply your choice of placeholder - for example:

find . -name "*.java" -print0 | xargs -0 -J % cp % destinationFolder
For full details, read 'man find' and 'man xargs'

How can I redirect the output from a command into a file?

If a command gives a large amount of output, it is often awkward to deal with in the Terminal window. In such cases, or if you want to preserve the output for later examination, you can "redirect" the output to a file.

To do this, you append the command with the ">" symbol (think of it like a funnel) and a filename. For example the following command:

ls -l > ~/my_ls_output
will create a new file "my_ls_output" in your home folder with the results of the 'ls -l' command.

If you want to append the output to an existing file (instead of creating a new file), you can do this by using ">>" instead of ">". For example:

ls -l >> ~/my_ls_output
will append the latest output to whatever is already in the file "my_ls_output". If that file doesn't exist already, it will be created.

A similar redirection can be done with input, though this is less common. For input redirection (to tell a command to take its input from a file), you use the "<" symbol.

It is also possible to redirect the output from a command so that it acts as the input to a second command - this is done with the "|" symbol (the symbol above the backslash on standard US keyboards) and is referred to as "piping". For example, the following command:

ls -l | more
pipes the output of the 'ls -l' command into the 'more' command which displays it page by page as you press the space key.

One final, more advanced note:
Some commands will send some of their output to "STDERR" instead of "STDOUT". STDERR can be used (by the programmers of a program) to separate the error messages from the usual output of the program. When you run a command in the Terminal, both STDOUT and STDERR get displayed in the Terminal window.
When you redirect the output of a command using ">" as above, it is only the STDOUT that gets redirected. The idea is that you likely want to see the error messages, not have them hidden away in the file where you might not see them until later.
If you want to redirect both STDOUT and STDERR to a file, you can do this in the Bash shell by using "&>" instead of ">".

Here's a test script that you can use to try things out:

#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; # This script is intended to illustrate how text output can be sent # to STDERR as well as STDOUT. # It can be used for testing output redirection in shell scripts. print STDOUT "This message is going to STDOUT\n"; print STDERR "This message is going to STDERR\n";
Here's a sample of using this test script:
% ./test_stderr This message is going to STDOUT This message is going to STDERR % ./test_stderr > foo This message is going to STDERR % more foo This message is going to STDOUT % ./test_stderr &> foo % more foo This message is going to STDERR This message is going to STDOUT
If you wanted to append all the output (both STDOUT and STDERR) to a file, then I think you would need to use the more general Bash facility for merging STDERR into STDOUT (the use of the incantation "2>&1") - for example like this:
./test_stderr >> foo 2>&1
Sometimes a command will send messages to STDERR that you don't care about (e.g. messages about irrelevant errors). If you want to discard all messages sent to STDERR, you can do this in Bash by appending '2> /dev/null' to the command.

How do I run a script?

First off, let me caution you that if you need to ask this question, you are likely not experienced enough with Unix to be able to judge whether the script can be trusted not to do harm to your system or your files. You should only run scripts that you understand, or that came from a source that you trust implicitly. The same is true, of course, of any Unix command, but a script embodies a series of Unix commands and so is harder to understand and has the potential to do even more harm.

Save the script as a file
The first thing you need to do is save the script in a file somewhere on your system - e.g. somewhere under your home folder. Many people create a folder named something like "Scripts" for this purpose. Since your home folder is designated as "~", the path to that folder would be "~/Scripts".

If you downloaded the script as a file, all you need to do is move that file to a convenient place as described above. But if you are copying the script as text from a web page, etc, you will need to use a text editor to save the script to a file. See "How do I edit text files?".
Note especially that it is important that script files be saved with "Unix" line-endings - see "What is an end-of-line character and why should I care?". (If you are getting an error message about a "bad interpreter" when you run the script, that is likely an indication that the line-endings are not correct.)

Make the script executable
Next you need to make the script be executable. You use the 'chmod' command to do this. For example, if you have saved the script in the file "~/Scripts/foo", you would execute the command:

chmod +x ~/Scripts/foo
You can check that the script file is executable by using the 'ls -l' command - for example:
ls -l ~/Scripts/foo
The output from that command should show an "x" in the 4th position if the script file is executable for you. (See "What's the deal with permissions?" for more detail about this.)

Run the script
Now you can run the script by typing the full path of the script file in a Terminal window - e.g.:

If you want to be able to run the script without having to type the full path, you can add the "Scripts" folder to your shell's execution PATH - see "How do I set up my shell execution PATH?".
After you have done that, you can run the script just by typing its name in a Terminal window, e.g.:
Script parameters
Often scripts expect certain parameters to be supplied on the command-line. If so, you type the name of the script, then a space, then the first parameter, then a space, then the second parameter, etc. If there are spaces in the parameter value itself (e.g. if the parameter value is "John Doe") then you need to surround the parameter value with quotes. E.g.:
foo "John Doe"
The first line of the script
The very first line of a script should indicate the type of the script - i.e. it should indicate what type of "shell" or other "interpreter" is to be used to execute the script. This is done by using a special syntax starting with "#!", for example, a Bourne shell script would start with the line
But this is usually a matter for the script author to worry about. I mention it here in the context of running a script just in case you accidentally deleted this first line.

How can I make a script double-clickable? (How do I run a script from Finder?)

The easiest way to make a script double-clickable is to save it in a file named with a ".command" suffix. Double-clicking on such files in Finder will open up a new Terminal window and start the script running in that window.

Another way is to wrap the script in an AppleScript. You can execute a shell script (or any Unix command) from AppleScript with the "do shell script"s command. See the last part of the answer to the question "How can I make my script interoperate with AppleScript?" for more details and examples.

Other methods for making scripts double-clickable are provided by several 3rd-party utilities - e.g. "Platypus"

Note also that the 3rd-party utility "OnMyCommand" makes it easy to execute scripts from a contextual menu (via right-click or Control-click).

How can I make my script interoperate with AppleScript?

Invoking AppleScript from a shell script
You can execute AppleScript from within your shell script by using the command 'osascript'. It is usually best to use this with a "here document" in a shell script. For example, if your shell script had set the variable $fullpath to the full path to a file, the following would open Finder's "Get Info" window for that file:
/usr/bin/osascript > /dev/null << EOT tell application "Finder" set macpath to POSIX file "$fullpath" as text open information window of file macpath end tell EOT
The above is shown in context in a script here.

If you want to get some information back from the AppleScript, you can invoke it inside backquotes and assign the result to a shell variable. Here's an example that illustrates that:

#!/bin/sh # This script illustrates how to put up dialogs via AppleScript # Note that some of the longer lines have been continued over two lines # by typing a backslash immediately followed by a Return # Cameron Hayne (macdev@hayne.net) December 2004 # a dialog with a text message and some buttons message="Hello World!" button=`/usr/bin/osascript << EOT tell application "Terminal" say "$message" beep display dialog "$message" buttons {"Hello", "Goodbye"} \ default button "Hello" giving up after 15 set result to button returned of result end tell EOT` echo "button was $button" # a dialog with a text message, a textfield, and one button message="What is your name?" defName="Fred" name=`/usr/bin/osascript << EOT tell application "Terminal" say "$message" beep display dialog "$message" buttons {"OK"} default answer "$defName" \ default button "OK" set result to text returned of result end tell EOT` echo "name: $name"

Invoking a shell script from AppleScript
You can execute a shell script (or any Unix command) from AppleScript with the "do shell script" command.

But note that it is important to get your shell script working from the Terminal command-line before attempting to wrap it in an AppleScript. Many beginners make the mistake of trying to use AppleScript as a development environment for shell scripts. Note also that in most cases it is a mistake to have several "do shell script" lines in your AppleScript - instead you should put all of the Unix commands together into one shell script, make sure it works when invoked from Terminal, and only then start testing it via your AppleScript. And if you are doing anything more than the most basic of scripts, it really is essential that you read Apple's Technote on the 'do shell script' command.

In particular, note that the current working directory (folder) and the environment variables are different when a shell script is run from 'do shell script' than when it is run from Terminal. (See the AppleScript in the section on environment variables.)

See this MacOSXHints forums thread for an example of an AppleScript droplet that invokes a Perl script to do the heavy lifting.

How can I compile open source software?

There is a lot of "open source" software available via the web. Much of it will work on OS X, although sometimes it requires some small changes. Often this software is available only in source code form and thus it often needs to be compiled before you can use it.

Note that in order to compile or build or even to use much of this software requires at least a basic knowledge of Unix. Be sure to read the other sections of this Unix FAQ before you go further.

Fink and MacPorts
There are a few organizations (Fink and MacPorts) that are trying to make most of this software available with a minimum of fuss. They modify the software where needed to make it work on OS X and they also provide pre-compiled (binary) versions of the software to make it easier for you.

So the first thing you should do if you are interested in a particular software package is check to see if it is available via Fink or MacPorts. It will be much easier for you to install the software via one of these than doing it "manually".
To check if a package is available via Fink:
To check if a package is available via MacPorts:

If the software you want is available via Fink or MacPorts, then you would follow their instructions to first install Fink or MacPorts and then to install the specific package you want. But note that unless they provide the software you want in pre-compiled (binary) form, you will need to have Apple's developer tools installed (see below). If you encounter any problems in using Fink or MacPorts, the first thing you should do is read (or re-read!) the documentation they provide - note in particular that many common problems are discussed in their FAQ documents.

Many open-source programs use X11 for their graphical user-interface. See the X11 FAQ that is in the "Unix - X11" section of the MacOSXHints forums.

Apple's Developer Tools
In order to be able to compile software from source - either "manually" or via Fink or MacPorts - you will need to have Apple's developer tools installed on your Mac. These tools (which include the GCC compiler and necessary support files) are not installed by default in OS X. They are on the Leopard and Tiger DVDs and were supplied on separate CDs with Panther and Jaguar. But you can also download the latest version of the developer tools from Apple's developer web site after registering (for free) as a developer:
(But be warned - the developer tools download is many hundreds of megabytes!)
The version of the developer tools for use with Leopard, Tiger, and Panther is called "XCode Tools". Note that if the version of the developer tools that you have on CD or DVD is too old, it may not be suitable for use with current software packages and so you may need to download the updated version from the Apple web site.

Note that it is usually a good idea to install the "X11SDK" package when you are installing "XCode Tools". This is an optional part of the XCode install (i.e. it isn't installed by default) but you will need this SDK if you want to compile any program that uses X11 (see above).

Compiling "manually"
If the software you want is not available via Fink or MacPorts, then you can try compiling it "manually". When you download open-source software, it usually comes in compressed and bundled form. For example, it may come as a .zip file or as a .tar.gz or .tgz file. The first thing you need to do is uncompress and unzip or untar the software. Usually you can do this most simply by just double-clicking the downloaded file in Finder. To do it from the command-line (in Terminal), you would use commands like 'unzip', 'gunzip', 'tar -xvf' etc. (Read the 'man' pages for these commands for details) When you have done this, you should have a folder with the source code and associated documentation.

Almost all open-source software includes some text files that explain how to compile and install the software. These instructions will be in files named "README" or "INSTALL" and you really do need to read them before going further.

The almost universal recipe for compiling and installing modern open-source software is to run the following commands after changing directory to the sub-folder that contains the source code files:

make install

But don't just blindly run these commands! First you need to read the "README" or "INSTALL" documents that came with the software. They will tell you if you need to set any configuration options etc.

The "./configure" command runs the "configure" script that is in the current directory. This script creates a "Makefile" that is specific for the version of OS X you have on your machine.
The "make" command uses the instructions that are in the "Makefile" to compile the source code and create the binary executable(s).
The "make install" command moves the executable(s) to their usual location (e.g. to /usr/local/bin) and installs support files (e.g. man pages)

You might not want to run the "make install" command if you want to keep the executable(s) in some other location. In any case, it is very important that you make yourself aware of where the executable(s) will get installed before you run this command (i.e. you need to read the documentation!) since otherwise the "make install" might overwrite files that came as part of OS X.

If the software doesn't come with a "configure" script, it probably comes with a "Makefile" already set up for the common configurations. In this case, you will likely need to edit that Makefile to set it up for your configuration.

If you get any errors when doing the above, first check that your version of the developer tools is up to date. Otherwise, try googling for the exact words of the error message you received (omitting any parts that refer to specifics of your machine etc) and you are likely to find discussions about how to fix the problem.
But be aware that much open-source software is targeted for Linux and makes assumptions that are not true for OS X. Making the necessary changes in this case will usually require extensive programming experience - hence the huge value added by the Fink and MacPorts projects.

A final word: the mistake made by many beginners to open-source software is not spending sufficient time in reading the documentation provided with the software. It often takes a lot of time in reading and understanding the documentation before you can install or use some of this software. Be sure you at least read the basic docs - e.g. the "README" and "INSTALL" files before asking for help when something goes wrong.

How can I remember all these complicated commands? (Answer: shell aliases)

In order to save typing, or just to make it easier to remember a complicated command, most experienced Unix users customize their shell environment by setting up "shell aliases". The word "alias" in general English usage means an alternative name for something.
Unfortunately, the word "alias" is used for several quite different things in a computing context. Here I will be discussing "shell aliases" that provide a way to specify alternative names for commands. A second, unrelated use of the word "alias" is with "Finder aliases" (as created via the "Make Alias" menu item in Finder's "File" menu) - these are discussed in the next topic.

The ability to specify an alternative name for a command (or a command sequence) is a feature of the shell. The syntax for specifying an alias depends on which shell you are using. (see above for info on shells)

Aliases in Bash
To specify an alias in the Bash shell, you use the command 'alias' which takes the following form:
alias desired_name='command sequence'
(with no spaces on either side of the '=' sign)

For example, the following would make 'll' (double-L) be an alias for the command 'ls -l':

alias ll='ls -l'
The command can be more complicated. For example, the following would make 'count_java' be an alias for the command sequence that finds all java files under the current folder and counts the number of lines in these files:
alias count_java='find . -name "*.java" -print0 | xargs -0 wc'
The 'alias' command in Bash is relatively simple and has several limitations compared to the command of the same name in Tcsh. One important limitation is that Bash aliases don't understand positional parameters. However, there is a separate facility in Bash that allows you to define a "function" and Bash functions are powerful enough to do everything that Tcsh aliases do and more.

Functions in Bash
To specify an function in the Bash shell, you use a command of the following form:
desired_name () { command sequence ; }

For example, the following would make 'll' be a function that can be used to do 'ls -l' on specified files or folders and pipe the results into 'more':

ll () { ls -l "$@" | more ; }
Note the semicolon (;) at the end - this is needed if you have the function body all on one line (as shown).

The $@ in the above represents all of the command-line arguments - i.e. the names of the files or folders. For example, using this alias we could do 'll /Users/fred' and it would expand to 'ls -l /Users/fred | more'
I enclosed the $@ in double quotes in order to avoid problems with file or folder names that have spaces in them.

Aliases in Tcsh
To specify an alias in the Tcsh shell, you use the command 'alias' which takes the following form:
alias desired_name 'command sequence'
In other words, it is the same as the 'alias' command in Bash except you use a space instead of an '=' sign.

For example, the following command would make 'll' (double-L) be an alias for the command 'ls -l':

alias ll 'ls -l'
The other alias examples given above for Bash will work similarly in Tcsh so I won't repeat them here.
There is nothing equivalent to Bash's functions in Tcsh. However the alias command in Tcsh is more powerful in that it understands positional parameters that can be used to substitute command-line parameters similar to the way used in Bash functions.
For example, the following makes 'll' be an alias that can be used to do 'ls -l' on specified files or folders and pipe the results into 'more':
alias ll 'ls -l \!* | more'
The \!* represents all of the command-line arguments - i.e. the names of the files or folders. For example, using this alias we could do 'll /Users/fred' and it would expand to 'ls -l /Users/fred | more'

Using command-line arguments in Tcsh aliases:
The first arg is \!:1
The second arg is \!:2
The last arg is \!$
To get a list of all args, use \!*

General considerations
When defining aliases or functions, you should avoid using the names of existing commands. For example, even if you are sure that you always want to use the "-l" option with the command 'ls', it would be a bad idea to make an alias like:
alias ls='ls -l'
since that would effectively replace the standard 'ls' command which might be used in scripts. Instead, you should use some other name that doesn't collide with any of the existing commands.

As another example, some beginners get the idea of defining an alias for 'rm' that makes it do 'rm -i' - they think this will provide extra security against accidents with wildstars, etc. But if they start relying on the "-i" behaviour when they invoke 'rm', it will be catastrophic if this alias is ever not there for some reason (e.g. there is an error in a shell startup file that prevents their aliases from being defined, or they are logged into a different user account).

Note that if you want to make sure that you get the original command, you can put a backslash in front of it when you invoke it. For example, the following would execute the original 'ls' command even if you had ignored my advice and used an alias like the one above that redefined 'ls':

An even better way to make sure you are getting the command you want is to use the full path to the command. For example:
For that reason, it is generally recommended that you use full paths when defining aliases or functions. Take the extra time to type out the full paths and then your aliases or functions will work properly even in the face of accidental name collisions. For example, the above Bash function 'll' would be better defined as:
ll () { /bin/ls -l "$@" | /usr/bin/more ; }

Where to put your aliases
In order for your aliases and functions to be persistent (i.e. so they exist in all new Terminal windows) you need to put them in some file that gets read by your shell startup files (see "What startup files are read by the shell?"). You could put them directly in the startup file (e.g. in ~/.profile) but it is more flexible if you keep them in a separate file that you "source" from your shell's startup file.

For example, I keep my Bash aliases and functions in the file "~/.aliases.bash" and I have the following line in my ~/.profile:

. ~/.aliases.bash
The dot (.) in the above is the Bash shell's "source" command - it tells it to read and execute that file.
That way, if I add a new alias or function, I can "source" my "~/.aliases.bash" file in order to get the new definitions in my current Terminal session.
Note that aliases are not inherited by sub-shells, so if you want your aliases to be present in sub-shells then you should put them in one of the setup files that is read by "non-login" shells.

You can see lots more examples of bash aliases and functions in my "~/.aliases.bash" file.

What is a "symbolic link"? How is it different from a "Finder alias"?

Symbolic Links
A "symbolic link" (often abbreviated as "symlink") provides a way to make a file or folder appear to exist at a different location in the filesystem. I.e. it is a sort of pointer to a file or folder that exists elsewhere.
For example, if you use 'ls -ld' to look at the "/tmp" folder on OS X, you will see that "/tmp" is not actually a real folder - it is a symbolic link to "/private/tmp" which is the real folder.
% ls -ld /tmp lrwxr-xr-x 1 root admin 11 Apr 30 2005 /tmp -> private/tmp
The "arrow" (minus sign followed by an angle-bracket) indicates a symbolic link. Note also that the first character in that result (before the permissions) is "l" (lowercase L) - which stands for "link".

This is called a "symbolic link" to distinguish it from a "hard link" which is a different type of filesystem entity that is used more on traditional Unix systems than on OS X. (Unlike traditional Unix filesystems, the HFS+ filesystem used by OS X does not have "hard links" as native entities - they are supported, but via extra infrastructure. For details on HFS+, see this Apple developer doc.)

You can create a symbolic link by using the "ln -s" command (the "-s" option is necessary in order to create a "symbolic" rather than a "hard" link). Read 'man ln' for details.
For example if you wanted to make it so that the folder "/Library/WebServer/Documents" (the top of the hierarchy for HTML documents served by Apache) appeared as if it was under your home folder (for convenience), you could create a symbolic link like this:

ln -s /Library/WebServer/Documents ~/ApacheDocRoot
The above would create a symbolic link "ApacheDocRoot" in your home folder that you could use (in Finder or in Terminal) to access the files in the "/Library/WebServer/Documents" folder. You can name a symbolic link whatever you want - it doesn't have to have any relation to the name of the original file or folder that is pointed to.
Note the order of the two paths in the 'ln -s' command - the first path is that of the existing file or folder, the second path is where you want the symbolic link to be created. (This is the same order as the 'cp' or 'mv' command)

Finder Aliases
A similar purpose is served by "Finder aliases" (not to be confused with "shell aliases" as described in the previous section of this FAQ).
You create a "Finder alias" by selecting an existing file or folder and then using the "Make Alias" menu item from Finder's "File" menu. This creates a "Finder alias" file right next to the original, but with the word " alias" appended to the name. You then can move the alias file to wherever you want it and it will serve as a pointer to the original file or folder. You can rename the alias anything you want.

You can create Finder aliases from the command-line via this AppleScript embedded in a shell script.

Both Finder aliases and symbolic links appear in Finder with a little arrow in their icons. There is no easy way (as far as I know) to distinguish a Finder alias from a symbolic link in Finder. If you use "Get Info" in Finder on a symbolic link, it will show its "Kind" as "Alias" - which is a bit misleading at least. But a Finder alias will usually be quite a bit larger in size (number of bytes taken up on disk) - something like 35 KB for a Finder alias as opposed to 4 KB (the minimum block size) for a symbolic link.
If you use 'ls -l' on a Finder alias, it will be listed as a zero-length file. The contents of the alias are in the "resource fork" of the file.

To delete either a Finder alias or a symbolic link, you can use the 'rm' command (in Terminal) or move it to the Trash using Finder. Deleting a Finder alias or a symbolic link does not affect the original - you are just deleting a pointer to the original.

One advantage of Finder aliases over symbolic links is that Finder aliases keep pointing at the original file or folder even if the original file or folder is moved to a different location on the disk.
Symbolic links are just a textual description of the Unix path to the original file or folder, so if you move the original to some other location, the symbolic link will need to be updated to make it point to the new location. (To update a symbolic link, you just delete it and then create a new one with the desired path.)

But most Unix-level commands and utilities do not understand Finder aliases, thus it is necessary to use symbolic links if the file or folder will be accessed from a Unix-level program (e.g. Apache).

What is a "resource fork"? Are resource forks supported by Unix commands?

A "resource fork" is a part of an OS X file that is sometimes used to store extra information, often meta-information. Resource forks started on the "classic" Mac OS but are still supported in OS X where they have been subsumed into the more general "extended attributes" feature. To distinguish it from the resource fork, the standard part of the file is sometimes referred to as the "data fork".

You can read or write resource forks via the facilities provided for extended attributes. The name of the extended attribute for the resource fork is "com.apple.ResourceFork". But you can also read or write resource forks via a special (and rather strange) syntax. To see the size (number of bytes) of the resource fork of a file named "foo":

ls -l foo/..namedfork/rsrc
To write to that resource fork:
echo "hello" > foo/..namedfork/rsrc
To read the contents of that resource fork:
hexdump -C foo/..namedfork/rsrc

Since resource forks are implemented as extended attributes, any Unix command that supports extended attributes will support resource forks.

What is an "extended attribute"? Are xattrs supported by Unix commands?

An extended attribute is part of an OS X file that is sometimes used to store extra information, often meta-information. There can be an arbitrary number of extended attributes associated with a file. Each extended attribute has its own name. You can read and write extended attributes using the 'xattr' command. To list the extended attributes on a file named "foo":
xattr foo
To create an extended attribute named "roger" for that file and give it a value of 42:
xattr -w roger 42 foo
To read the value of the extended attribute "roger" on that file:
xattr -p roger foo

It is important to note that not all of the Unix commands support extended attributes - they often silently ignore them which means that you might lose information. For example, if you make a backup of some files with extended attributes using a Unix command that doesn't support extended attributes, your backup would not be a faithful copy of the original files. To find out if a particular command supports extended attributes, read the man pages carefully, or (better) do a test with sample files. Here's an example:

echo "this is a string" > foo.txt # create the file "foo.txt" xattr -w roger 42 foo.txt # add an extended attribute xattr foo.txt # list the extended attributes zip -r myArchive.zip foo.txt # make a ZIP file with "foo.txt" mv foo.txt foo.txt.save # rename "foo.txt" unzip myArchive.zip # unzip the archive to re-create "foo.txt" xattr foo.txt # check if the extended attr is there

How do I set an "environment variable"?

An "environment variable" is a shell variable that persists in sub-processes. Normal shell variables do not get transferred into new processes that are started from that shell. Environment variables are often used to define configuration parameters for command-line programs. They are often set in the shell startup files. The PATH variable discussed above is an environment variable.

Environment variables in Bash
To set an environment variable in the Bash shell, use the 'export' command. For example, the following command would set the environment variable FOO to have the value 1234:

export FOO=1234
Note that (as with normal Bash variables) there is no space on either side of the "=".

To see a list of all environment variables and their values, use the 'printenv' command.
The Perl script 'showLaunchdEnviron' will show you the environment (variables, etc) that will be present for 'launchd' scripts.

Environment variables in Tcsh
To set an environment variable in the Tcsh shell, use the 'setenv' command. For example, the following command would set the environment variable FOO to have the value 1234:

setenv FOO 1234

Environment variables in GUI programs
A GUI program will inherit the environment variables from the process that started it. So if you launch a GUI program from the command-line, it will inherit the environment variables of the shell where you launched it.
But if you launched the GUI program via Finder (by double-clicking) or the Dock (or some other mechanism in OS X's GUI environment), it will inherit the environment variables of the "loginwindow" process. To set such environment variables, follow the procedure explained in this Apple TechNote.
You need to create a folder named ".MacOSX" in your home folder (note that since there is a dot at the beginning of the folder name, it won't be visible to a simple 'ls' - you would need to use 'ls -a') and then create a file named "environment.plist" in the ~/.MacOSX folder. Put the definitions of the environment variables that you want defined for all GUI programs in that plist file using a format like the following example:
(You can use the "Property List Editor" that comes with Apple's developer tools or a 3rd-party plist editor - or just an ordinary text editor if you are careful to get the format correct.)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/ PropertyList-1.0.dtd"> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key>FOO</key> <string>1234</string> <key>BAR</key> <string>/Users/fred/MyStuff</string> </dict> </plist>

Here's an AppleScript that you could use to see what environment variables are set for GUI apps: showEnvVars
(Run this from "Script Editor" or save it as an application and then double-click it.)

I note also that you can define environment variables for one specific application in that app's "Info.plist" file (inside the app's bundle) via a dictionary entry named "LSEnvironment". (see this Apple doc on Info.plist files)

Finally, although it's not usually recommended, if you really really want to set an environment variable globally, you can specify it by using the 'setenv' command in the file "/etc/launchd.conf". Any 'launchctl' commands (see 'man launchctl') in that file will get executed at system startup.

Terminal is behaving strangely - how can I fix it?

Very small Terminal window
If your Terminal window is showing up as very small, that is likely due to the Monaco font being disabled (e.g. using Font Book).

Underscores not showing up
If underscores (_) are not showing up, this is likely a problem with your choice of font. E.g. the font "Courier New 10pt" has been reported to cause this problem.

Strange characters in Terminal window
If you are seeing strange characters in your Terminal, that may also be a problem with a font. Or it may just be due to bad control sequences having been sent to Terminal - e.g. if you pasted in binary code accidentally.
Try resetting Terminal's settings by running the following command (you may have to type it "blind" if Terminal is screwed up):

stty sane
Strange error messages in new Terminal windows
If you are getting some strange error messages in your Terminal windows when they first open, that likely indicates a problem with your Terminal preferences. Try removing (or just renaming) the Terminal preferences file ("~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.Terminal.plist") and then restarting the Terminal application.

Miscellaneous problems
First try removing your Terminal preferences as explained above.
If you still have a problem, then look at what you have in your shell "dot" files - see "What startup files are read by the shell?". If you can't figure out what the problem is, try removing (or just renaming) those "dot" files.

One final place to look for problems is the "default.term" file under "~/Library/Application Support/Terminal". This is the file that stores the default settings for Terminal windows.

How do I do XYZ?

If you are faced with a particular task and are wondering how you can accomplish that task via Unix commands, the first thing you should do is try to find out if there is a command that does something related.

You can look through lists of Unix commands to see if something strikes your eye. A list of commonly used commands is in an earlier section of this FAQ.

Another thing to try is running the command 'man -k' with various possible keywords. E.g. if you want to find the lines in a file that match a certain pattern, run the command:
man -k pattern
One of the results will point you to the 'grep' command (which was mentioned in the list of commonly used commands).
Read the man pages for the commands that seem like they might be useful and then proceed to read about the commands listed in the "See Also" section of those man pages.

Often you will need to combine several commands in a pipeline or shell script to do what you want. (See the resources in the last section of this FAQ on learning shell scripting.)
Sometimes you can find a script written by someone else that does something similar to what you want. Modifying someone else's script is usually easier than starting from scratch. Google is of course a good starting point when looking for a script.

If you know how to do some operation on one file but you need to apply it to many different files, or to a hierarchy of files & folders, see the above FAQ section about looping ( "How do I make a command iterate over a bunch of files?").

Browse through my shell aliases file to see if some of the things there might help you towards a solution. Note that I use that file as a place to keep miscellaneous reminders of how to do things as well as actual aliases & functions.

Perhaps one of the Bash scripts or Perl scripts I have written will be useful to you.

Where can I learn more?

There are many resources for learning about Unix available on the web. Although there are differences between the various flavours of Unix (OS X, Linux, Solaris, AIX, HPUX, etc), the commonalities greatly outweigh the differences. Googling for specific search terms will likely find answers if you have specific questions. If you want to restrict your search to things that are relevant to OS X, add in "OS X" (in quotes) at the end of your Google search terms.

For example, to find Unix tutorials, use this Google search:

To restrict the search to Unix tutorials that at least mention "OS X", use this Google search:

A good Unix tutorial for OS X is provided at Adrian Mayo's Learning Center.

There are several other FAQs about Unix that contain a lot more advanced questions. You can find them via Google:

To learn more about shell scripting using 'bash':

Searching for answers to specific problems
In general, if you have a question about a specific command, or an error message that you have received, it is quite likely that you will find sufficient information via Google - you should always do a search before asking a question. Most basic questions have been asked before. Most error messages have been seen before.
If you google for the exact text of the error message (omitting anything specific to your situation), putting it inside quotes so it will be treated as a phrase, you likely will find discussions of how to fix the problem.
E.g. if you are trying to execute the command "foo" and you get the following error message:
"-bash: foo: command not found"
then searching for the phrase "command not found" (including the quotes) would be a good strategy:
http://www.google.com/search?q=%22command not found%22

And of course, a lot of questions have already been discussed on the MacOSXHints forums (where I am active) and in articles on the main MacOSXHints site. To limit your Google search to the macosxhints.com site, you can use Google's "site:" directive. E.g. to search for "AppleScript" on the macosxhints.com site, you would do: